The spiders. I read about them. They're one of the charges against John Putnam. لقد قرأت عن العناكب في محاكمة "جون بوتنام"ّ
The spiders. I read about them. They're one of the charges against John Putnam. لقد قرأت عن العناكب في محاكمة "جون بوتنام"ّ
The spiders. I read about them. They're one of the charges against John Putnam. لقد قرأت عن العناكب في محاكمة "جون بوتنام"ّ
The spiders. I read about them. They're one of the charges against John Putnam. لقد قرأت عن العناكب في محاكمة "جون بوتنام"ّ
So she claims that John Putnam came to her as an incubus in her dreams after she was widowed. اذن ماذا ؟ كانت تقول ان "جون بوتنام" يعاني من كوابيس في نومه
So she claims that John Putnam came to her as an incubus in her dreams after she was widowed. اذن ماذا ؟ كانت تقول ان "جون بوتنام" يعاني من كوابيس في نومه
So she claims that John Putnam came to her as an incubus in her dreams after she was widowed. اذن ماذا ؟ كانت تقول ان "جون بوتنام" يعاني من كوابيس في نومه
So she claims that John Putnam came to her as an incubus in her dreams after she was widowed. اذن ماذا ؟ كانت تقول ان "جون بوتنام" يعاني من كوابيس في نومه
On March 23, 1692, a warrant was issued for her arrest based upon accusations made by Edward and John Putnam. في 23 مارس 1692، صدر أمر بالقبض على ريبيكا بناءاً على الاتهامات التي وجهها ادوارد وجون بوتنام.
On March 23, 1692, a warrant was issued for her arrest based upon accusations made by Edward and John Putnam. في 23 مارس 1692، صدر أمر بالقبض على ريبيكا بناءاً على الاتهامات التي وجهها ادوارد وجون بوتنام.